Defence Minister Rajanath Singh launched the Agnipath recruitment scheme a historic decision approving an attractive recruitment scheme for Indian youth to serve in the Armed Forces. This scheme entails a recruitment process for individuals with ranks below that of officers, with the goal of deploying fitter, younger troops on the front lines, many of whom will be on four-year contracts. It’s a game-changer that will give the Army, Navy, and Air Force a more youthful image. The youth selected under theAgneepath scheme will be called Agniveers. A total of 46,000 Agniveers will be recruited this year through this scheme. During the 4 years, Agniveers would be trained by the armed forces in the skills required. Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Kumar said women will also be inducted into the armed forces under the new scheme.
Agneepath Scheme 2022 Details
Agnipath or Agneepath is a recruitment scheme for the Indian youth who wish to join the Armed Forces. Agnipath scheme, a recruitment process for individuals below the rank of officer, with the goal of deploying fitter, younger troops on the front lines, many of whom will be on four-year contracts. After four years, Agniveers will be able to apply voluntarily for the regular cadre. Based on merit, and organisation requirements, up to 25 per cent shall be selected from that batch. They will then serve for a full term of another 15 years. While the other 75% of Agniveers will be demobilised, with an exit or “Seva Nidhi ” package of Rs 11-12 lakh.
Agneepath Scheme – Vacancy
A total of 46,000 soldiers are to be recruited through the Agneepath Scheme in the Indian Army, Indian Navy and India Air Force. The detailed and elaborated vacancy distribution will be released shortly by the Indian Army. The recruitment of women scheme will depend on the needs of the respective services.
Agneepath Scheme Eligibility
All three services will be enrolled via a centralized online system, with specific rallies and campus interviews held by recognized technical colleges such as Industrial Training Institutes and the National Skills Qualifications Framework, among others. Agniveers will meet the medical requirements for military enlistment as they apply to their specific categories/trades. Agniveers’ educational credentials will continue to be popular for enrollment in a variety of categories.
Agneepath Scheme – Educational Qualification
The Educational Qualification required in Agneepath Scheme for each department is tabulated below.